Milano Alberghi - Albergo Milano - Hotels Milano - Hotel 2 due stelle
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Ambienti caldi e familiari
Stanze con servizi privati
Hotel attorniato da giardini verdeggianti
Sala Tv / Sala Lettura all´interno dell´albergo
Hotel Trentina **
Via Filippino Lippi, 50 (ang. Piazza Aspromonte)
20139 Milano - Italia
Telefono +39 02.2361208 - 02.2361326
Fax +39 02.2361297 -
Commenti: quello che dicono di noi...
Cliente  Rafael Ferrantti Commento lasciato: sabato 9 dicembre 2006  09/12/2006

Hotel Trentina is a excellent hotel to stay in milan. I really enjoy my time there. Very clean, security, and the staff is amazing.

Città  Brazil Nazione  Brazil
Cliente  Brenda Aguirre Commento lasciato: sabato 9 dicembre 2006  09/12/2006

Very helpful staff, very nice, good breakfast, clean rooms

Città  Usa Nazione  Usa
Cliente  Breanne Baumgartner Commento lasciato: sabato 9 dicembre 2006  09/12/2006
I was very impressed with this hotel. The service was excellent, the front desk spoke english, they showed us where to go in the city and gave us maps, and breakfast was free as well. I recommend this to anyone looking for a nice stay in Milan.

Città  Usa Nazione  Usa
Cliente  Andrew Leighton Commento lasciato: sabato 9 dicembre 2006  09/12/2006
We very much enjoyed Hotel Trentina. Paola made us feel welcomed and comfortable during our short stay in Milan. She was careful to point out various sights and locations in town that all members of our family could enjoy. We had a great time shopping. Our children had a great time playing with her puppies and Grandpa felt very relaxed and rested. Thank you!

Città  Usa Nazione  Usa
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